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  • ¸üÐÂʱ¼ä£º2017-02-04



Female hip-hop duo's live soundtrack of rap and warm melodies
Axis of everything, fresh music Axis (AXIS)

With a unique voice and boyish rapper MC. Flow and calligraphy If it's sunny with a voice husky vocals BN female duo met and made ??new sense of "Axis (AXIS)" was born.
Cong dick individual personality as visual music closer to the public's belief that the enterprise also felt getdaneun iron. Axis, as well as the lyrics for the rap and singing and composing skills reveal if it has been recognized prominence this first digital single also including Axis participating in the active state and the lyrics for the song was an extraordinary affection
The album and the performances and rich experience of two people because of the smash tired this first digital single "LuvLuv" greater expectations for
"LuvLuv" representatives of the entertainment and composer iron "steel" one of the composer directly to sweet love rap song is talking and singing faces easily blend of all ages creating an atmosphere that's unique voice and the Axis the public's ears make sweet love song is fresh seureowoomyeonseodo.







