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  • ¸üÐÂʱ¼ä£º2017-02-05



The sensitivity of the boys were singing lively coffee boy , and now the song is the meaning of true manhood . Regular coffee boy second album " Man is born '

The first single from the album released three years or so, without any promotional or marketing to be known only by word-of-mouth communication to the public of the true simplicity and honesty to his music journey . Already announced diligently for over thirty songs and performances of his long-term color Playhouse located empathy with people through the coffee boy was breathing and his desire to sing like a dalryeoon your side this time, the regular second album " Man is born ' once again through the songs in your mail .

The only semblance of a man in love < Women> is sick and , wholeheartedly and sincerely do not know < men > women say they do not understand the meaning of love was or would have been so neglected . < Women> is the patience of waiting is that someone else is now blurring that far away time left to regret later life of trials and failures in love < man > go to the little noticed . " Man was born to love you gave me, so I did not know the sky is eotguna ' and said. Thanks man directly to you without having to be told . If you want to hearing hokyeona coffee boy put the song sent to a man's heart .







