蚂蚁音乐网 mayiyue.cn
  • 姓名:金泰贤
  • 性别: 男
  • 别名: 暂无
  • 国籍: 韩国
  • 语言:
  • 出生地:
  • 生日:
  • 星座:
  • 身高:
  • 体重:
  • 人气:
  • 更新时间:2017-02-05



Dick Punks成员金泰贤
罗马音译 :Kim Tae Hyun
出生年月 :1987.03.11
星座血型 :双鱼座 O型
出 生 地 :韩国 首尔特别市
团体担当 :主唱
学 历 :首尔艺术大学 实用音乐系
The date 2010
Formed Korea
Activity Type Male | Group
Action genre Rock
Style Indie Rock (Indie Rock)
Member Kim Tae - Hyun, Kim, Hyun - Woo, gimjaeheung, Garam Park

Is leading to 'Hongdae Idol' band and the most active in Hongdae indissin from <Dick peongseu> is 2008 to the present, have already secured a thick fan base. Kim, Tae - Hyun (Vocal), Kim, Hyun - Woo (Piano), was starting gimjaeheung (Bass), Garam night in (Drum) This is a 24 year old punk rock Let your friends the same age without other ideas. They released one EP album and Beyond successful chapter to the sixth concert also receive recognition skills, Beatles, Queen, Ben Folds, getdaneun It is followed by aspiration of Mika tturyeothi work has revealed the music fun and exciting colors. The dynamic rhythm of the night and gimjaeheung Garam Kim, Hyun - Woo gorgeous piano comparable to the province guitarist 80s, and the sweet voice of Kim Tae - Hyun blend well their music, as well as the Hongdae indissin formalized through the first time the album was released Idol will bring another shock to the music industry in one color group.







